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Refuge For Women

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Address: National, United States
Countries served: United States

Phone: 859-254-0041

Type: Religious
Faith-based: Yes
Sex work positive: No

About Refuge For Women

Refuge For Women is a national anti-trafficking faith-based org that claims to provide victims’ services in at least three major cities across the country (Las Vegas, NV, Chicago, IL, and Lexington, KY).

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Last year, Refuge For Women’s national director, Pastor Ked Frank, made a blog post defending his org’s policies and rules for the women and underaged girls he “rescued”, and although that blog post has not been removed, several survivors in the anti-trafficking movement saw it and were really pissed off about it. His policies include forcing the women and girls to sign a Christian “purity” or “abstinence” pledge—which extends beyond just refraining from having sex, it also includes NON-sexual dating of men.

Other statements that Ked Frank made included saying that women in prostitution “need to be taught Christian values” and “how to have a proper relationship with a man instead of only seeing men as ATM’s.”

Any infraction of his long list of rules means expulsion with nowhere to go except back to your pimp if you’re a trafficking victim operating under pimp control.

People involved with Refuge For Women

Pastor Ked Frank

Sex work focus for Refuge For Women

Sex worker demographics focus for Refuge For Women

Services offered by Refuge For Women

Residential/transitional housing, medical care, food, clothing, counseling/trauma therapy, help with getting a job.

Reviews, ratings and feedback for Refuge For Women

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