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Address: 105 Dodge St , Providence R.I, providence, Rhode Island, 2907, United States
Countries served: United States

Phone: 401-383-4888
Email: [email protected]

Status: Active
Female led: No
Sex worker led: No

About Project Weber Renew

I first met Colleen of Project Renew in 2014, she stood up and told the audience that they had worked with 300 women in 10 years and that 99% of them were addicts.

Then in 2015 they outed the name of a street based worker and her location to RI magazine in a interview. They told the magazine that they had connected with this woman before but the woman was not done chasing her drug money and wouldn’t come in for services. Local RI sex workers went down to Project Renew to confront them about stigmatizing and bad mouthing “people involved in the sex industry” and Colleen defended her behavior and claimed it was OK that she outed the women because what she said was true and she only used the woman first name.

Public facts about Project Weber Renew

Stigmatizing sex workers does not build trust with this population, and it creates more barriers for sex workers to access services. While they claim they are per led, all their volunteers label themselves as survivors and not sex workers or former sex workers. This is dishonest and misleading and the false information that got them funded.

People involved with Project Weber Renew

Rescue industry, who just landed a 50k grant to do outraech to RI sex workers. Sadly they dont want to meet any RI sex workers unless the SW is willing to exit and allow them to shame and stigmatzie them.

Sex work focus for Project Weber Renew

Sex worker demographics focus for Project Weber Renew

Services offered by Project Weber Renew


HIV & HEP C testing, condoms and referrals to public shelters and food banks. They don’t have any REAL services. You can access any of these fake services by dialing 211 on your cell phone.

Reviews, ratings and feedback for Project Weber Renew

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Published by


Coyote Rhode Island (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics)


  1. MrsRobinson ( User Karma: 0 ) says:

    Project Renew contacted our venue and tried to have us thrown out so we wouldn’t be able to hold our International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers” event on Dec 17th 2016.
    Please see the comment section for “Renewing hope on the streets of Rhode Island”,2914?comment_result=posted&comment_result=posted&comment_result=posted&comment_result=posted&comment_result=posted&comment_result=posted&comment_result=posted#comments-post

  2. Anonymous Sex Worker says:

    I ditched Project Weber. They didn’t accept that sex work is work. I know that most of their clients were selling their bodies for drugs due to the strategic location of their outreach center, but the fact that they only spoke about sex work in relation to addiction was damaging to a lot of people. That, and the fact that their “peer outreach specialists” could not themselves stay clean and sober using the very programs that they preached. I don’t mean that in a judgmental way at all. Shit happens, and relapse doesn’t necessarily disqualify you from peer counseling. In some ways it’s actually a qualifier, from a relatability standpoint. I’m just saying there’s more than one way to live and quality of life means different things to different people.

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