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Website: – (info)
Address: Orlando, Florida, United States
Countries served: United States
Geographic scope: Local
Geographic scope (detail):
Greater Orlando Area
Phone: 407-937-0547
Email: [email protected]
Type: Religious
Parent organization: Greater Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force
Status: Active
Faith-based: Yes
Sex work positive: No
Female led: Yes
Sex worker led: No
About Faith Alliance of Greater Orlando
The Faith Alliance is part of the Greater Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force.
GOHTTF is a coalition of nonprofits, government agencies, law enforcement, schools,
embassies, and many other entities all working together to help men and women in our community who are caught in the darkness of sex and labor trafficking—and to prevent others
from being trafficked.
People involved with Faith Alliance of Greater Orlando
Gretchen Kerr
Tomas Lares
Greater Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force
Florida Abolitionist
Northland Church
Sex work focus for Faith Alliance of Greater Orlando
Sex worker demographics focus for Faith Alliance of Greater Orlando
Services offered by Faith Alliance of Greater Orlando
Monthly Meetings and Prayer Walks
Reviews, ratings and feedback for Faith Alliance of Greater Orlando
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